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회장 이광배 Kwang-Bae Lee

Chairman │ Kwang-Bae Lee

1970 경기고등학교
1971 - 1980 서울대학교 건축학과 학사,석사
1982 University of Taxas at Austin / M. arch
2002 - 현재 ㈜ 서울실내건축 회장
1987 - 현재 종합건축사사무소 인우
1987 - 1996 경희대학교 건축학과 출강
1984 - 1986 W.Z.M.H. Group inc. / Dallas. Tx
1982 - 1984 Robert Tyler's design Studio. / Richardson, Tx
1976 - 1978 한국건축설계사무소
1980 미국건축사 (Licensed Architect, State of Taxas)
1992 한국건축사 (Licensed Architect, Korea)
1994 미국 실내디자이너 자격
(Licensed Interior Designer, State of Taxas)
1970 Kyunggi High School
1971 - 1980 Seoul National Univ./M.Arch.
1982 University of Taxas at Austin / M. arch
2002 - present Chairman / Seoul Interior Architecture Co.,Ltd.
1987 - present Chairman / INU Architecture & Planners Co.,Ltd.
1987 - 1996 Lectuer / Kyung Hee Univ. Depatment of Arch.
1984 - 1986 W.Z.M.H. Group inc. / Dallas. Tx
1982 - 1984 Robert Tyler's design Studio. / Richardson, Tx
1976 - 1978 HanKuk Architecture & Planners Co.,Ltd.
1980 Licensed Architect, State of Taxas
1992 Licensed Architect, Korea
1994 Licensed Interior Designer, State of Taxas